Sabaydii, Maybe, I am in a mood to write something. The poem, or to be exact a free verse, came into being. It is called the river of life or in Lao, Saythan Sivith. In summary, it is very much what I experience in life and what I get out of it. ***** The river of life Being a child, Life is a small boat Floating in the pond Pleasant…not an iota of worry. Being an adolescent, Life is a swift current Fighting its way through the towering rocks Fiery…life and death matter. Being a family man, Life is like a small boat floating in the big ocean Each wave fierce, each tide your last moment Happy and sad, no much difference. Reaching an old age, Life is like a fish floating with the current wherever it takes… Never realizing This is the river of life Everyone has to pass A mistake to be learned An accomplishment to be savored At times, it is worth remembering At times, it is better to forget It includes both your dream and reality Your life has fought for. After all said and done, Nothing is certain Nothing is desirable Everything comes and goes Those who know this secret Those who understand this truth Is a wise man For he lives life as it is Not a burden, not this not that. ***** Hakphaang, Kongkeo Saycocie