Sabydee modh took ghon, On Labor day weekend, Saturday 2nd September 1995, at English Park, Rochester N.Y. As usual! every years we organized a soccer tournament for Lao peoples who live in Rochester area and some who live in other states as well. This year we invited Cambodian peoples whom very pleased welcome as good friends guest.The game goes smootly untill the very young team of Rochester met Cambodian team.First everything was O.K just when the fatigue begin ...believe or not they came out with brutal attack,ferocy like the animals and finally fight without reason. I saw a young Laotian tooks out an Automatic Riffle and chased the Cambodian team till they were dispercing everywhere,some of them knees petition to have an excuse but the word PARDONNE did'nt work for those kids. I was mad, sad and fell very sorry for the Cambodian peoples whom from the past of our history untill actual we never had any dispute between two nations even thus we love each other like brothers ( do not compare to Thai people who called us brother but treats differently ). I left the soccer field whithout turn my eyes back to the scene. On the way home,I drive my car similar to someone who lost something and murmuring to myself, asking thousand questions : DO WE RELATE TO THE HUNS OR TO THE MONGOLIA ? Why our character looks deeply similar to them ? According to the story of " A TELLA OF THE HUNS " and "GENGHIS KHAN" conquered the world. Any comments or critics please reply to SCL or Hakphaang Thip