Sabaydii Sonny and Sone et tout le monde, Wow ! I did not realized how long I've been aways from my screen...e-mail packed up more than 100. Sonny : Avec tous mes FELICITATIONS pour vous deux. You're in second STAGE of LIFE ( in human nature call for a variety of paths toward life's FULFILLMENT ). The second stage,which typically begins with marriage,is that of the householder.Here,during life's noonday,interests naturally turn outward. There are three channels into which they appropriately flowfamily,vocation,and the community - and attention will normally be divided between the three. This is the time for satisfying the first three human wants : pleasure through marriage and one's family,success through vocation,and duty through civic responsibilities. L'AMOUR : Quand l'amour est enorme s'il n'a besoin aucune phrase... meme dans le silent l'amour est entendu L'AMOUR est patient L'AMOUR est genre il tient nul de proces-verbal pour malfaisant Jamais l'amour fera faillite... ni personne dans le monde entier que t'aimes ta fiancee... LOVE : When LOVE is great there is no need for WORDS... for even in silence love is heard LOVE is patience LOVE is kind It keeps no record of wrong love never fails... There is no one else in all the world as you love your fiancee DIEU vous protege brother! Hakhpaang Thip