Sabaydii my fellow Satjadham, I have one poem for you. I wrote it to remind us of who we are and what we carry with us as Satjadham members. *********** Who are we? To others, we are known as Thao Ko, Nang Kho. To ourselves, we are the visionary Satjadham members. We know we are here in this group not only for ourselves but for the whole generations of Quon Lao; past, present, and future. We realize the wishes and struggles of Quon Lao are deeply in us. We sense our ancestors have guided us to stand up for our rights as Quon Lao, to bring back the once-great Lan Xang, and to be the exemplar of what a true Lao is. We understand if we fail, we doom the whole generation of the young Lao idealists. But if we succeed, we will pave the way for the next generation to follow. We recognize a little step that we take, a little blunder that we commit, and a little plan that we carry out, are building blocks that add or subtract a foundation of Laoness. My friends, will we disappoint the whole generation of Quon Lao? If we have only one life to give, won't we give it for the betterment of our people? If we have only one dream to fulfill, won't we fulfill it for the greatness of Muang Lao? As Satjadham members, we are more than we are. Intellectual breakthrough is what we aim at, sacrifice for the great cause is what we want to achieve, and living out the truth is what we try to accomplish. To others, we might still be known as Thao Ko, Nang Kho but to ourselves, we know deep down in our hearts that what we do here is greater than ourselves. That's who we are, and that's what we are going at! ******************