============================================================== To reach ALL SJD members, please send to sjd@satjadham.net ... Do NOT include any other addresses when sending to the list... Include as LITTLE of the original messages as possible........ Message sent by: Soudary Kittivong *** Announcement: *** Please register for SatJaDham Fifth Annual conference at the website http://www.satjadham.org/sjd5sd/ ============================================================== I'm posting for the vacationing Toon.. Soudary _________________ The Perfect One By Toon S. Phapphayboun Inceptionally... He softens me. He heightens me. He brightens me. He strengthens me. Readily... He visualizes me. He sensualizes me. He idealizes me. He eternalizes me Perpetually... He compensates me. He accommodates me. He decorates me. He exuberates me. Realization gives key To such dearest, my he My sweet vitality! == karmic@qon.lao.net -=kar.ma [kar me, ker-] noun, often cap: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine one's destiny in one's next existence=- _____________________________________________________________ Check out our community at... http://community.lao.net and access the world's best search engines instantly at... http://search.lao.net _ ***************************************************************** Visit SatJaDham Homepage at: http://www.satjadham.org (or .net) *****************************************************************