Sabaidee Deon We are very sorry we didn’t send this on Friday like we promised( we got in to trouble and weren’t allowed to use the computer. Uncle hasn’t read it but we typed it on a floppy disc and his friend Simon is going to put it on the e-mail for us. We just hope uncle doesn’t read it first or he will have a cow. We were going to tell you another story but uncle made us miss Star Trek. So we told this one and uncle is going to be very upset. D+D Ghost We have always seen people that nobody else can see. When we were little kids there was a boy who sat all by himself in our classroom at kinder, the teacher never spoke to him or asked him to join in the games, we felt very sorry for him so we talked to him, that made him happy. One day Mrs. Lewis asked us who we were talking to. ‘Rodney the boy in the corner.’ we said.’ Don’t be silly boys there's nobody in the corner.’ Mrs. Lewis could not see Rodney nobody could except us. When we lived with Mommy we use to walk home from school with our big brother the best part was the park. We would run across the grass and Tee would always chase us, he never caught us until we reached our gate. Then we would go inside and mommy would always have something for us to eat. When we finished our food we would go back to the park and play. There was a big statue of a soldier in the park and we always saw an old man standing near the statue, he always had his hand on his heart like we do when we sing the Advance Australia Fair at school. The old man always ignored us until one day we asked Tee about him. ‘Can you see him.’ Tee asked us? ‘Course we can.’ Tee looked very unhappy and told us the man was a ghost and most people couldn’t see him. ‘You never let a ghost know you can see them.’ Tee told us. ’Some of them can cause a lot of trouble if they find out you can see them.’ When we looked back at the old man he wasn’t looking at the statue anymore he was looking at us and he looked really mean. Our brother said that the old man was going to be trouble so we had to go home so our brother could go and talk to our uncle about the ghost. We went straight home like we were told because we were a bit scared. After that we never saw the old man in the park again. When we asked Tee about him we were told to forget the old man that he was gone. There were no ghost in our mommies house it was a nice house that was designed by our father who didn’t live with us, he lived in Laos most of the time and built dams. Tee told us not to tell mommy about the ghost because she would get scared. So we didn’t. The worst ghost we ever saw when we lived with mommy was in a swimming pool at our friend’s place. That ghost just floated around in the pool with his face in the water. He was really scary, if you went under the water you could see that he had really big eyes that watched you all the time. We didn’t go swimming at our friends place after that. Our father didn’t live with us most of the time; he only came home about once a year. So when mommy needed something done she would phone our uncle. If it was really important Uncle would come to our house, he always gave us a present or some money when he came over but he never talked to us much. One day when uncle came over to talk to mommy he had a man with him, we knew the man was a ghost because mommy couldn’t see him. The ghost looked really sad and uncle seemed to know he was there. Tee saw us looking at the ghost and made us go upstairs. Never talk to uncle about ghost he told us when uncle had gone. We really wanted to ask our uncle if he could see the man but Tee wouldn’t let us. We never went to uncle’s house very much, it is a big old house with lots of trees around it and a big forest at the end of the garden, uncle use to lived there all alone. There use to be books everywhere and the big piano use to be right in the middle of a room with nothing else. Uncle would play the piano for hours but never used sheet music like we have to when we play our violins. Tee use to go to visit all the time and sometimes stayed with uncle for days without coming home. He had his own room and everything at uncle’s house. One day Mommy took us all to uncles house in her car, Uncle would get really cranky with mommy when she used the car because he said she was dangerous. When we got there Tee went upstairs to his room and we went out into the garden it was very hot so we took off our cloths and got into the pool. We could hear Mommy talking to Uncle on the balcony; they were talking about our father who was Uncles brother. Then we heard uncle call out to us telling us to get out of the pool. We looked up at uncle he was at the edge of the balcony and there were heaps of ghost around him even the sad one who had come to our house. They were all looking at us; it was really scary so we couldn’t get out of the pool. When uncle came down and lifted us out of the water we got a really long lecture about how dangerous swimming pools are. We didn’t like uncles house after that, every time we went there we would see lots of ghost, Tee told us to ignore them they couldn’t hurt us while uncle was around. The last time that we went to uncles house with mommy she took our little sister Minh who was only a very small baby. Mommy put Minh on uncles bed to sleep then we all had lunch on the balcony, we didn’t see any ghost that day until we went into the bedroom to look at Minh. There were photos all over a wall and all of the photos were of the ghost we had seen around our uncle. We took Minh into the lounge room because we didn’t want her in a room full of ghost. When our mommy died we had to go and live with uncle and we were really scared, we didn’t want to live in his house. We told our brother but he said there was no where else to go and Tee always liked uncle and his house. We were given a room next to Tee’s upstairs, Minh was put in a room next to uncles room. One day while we were talking to Uncle we told him about the ghost, he laughed and asked if we could see any, we told him we could see the man who had come to our house with him. He stopped laughing and told us not to worry about ghost, they are just in our imagination. He wanted us to tell him whenever we saw a ghost. After that we never saw ghost while uncle was home but when he went away we always see them. Most of them just ignore us, they all seem to be doing something even when they just stand still they seem to be very busy. Tee said they wouldn’t hurt us if we ignored them, he was right our brother is really smart. Tee is also very strange; sometimes he is just like uncle. Mr Wickham says that "uncle has a kangaroo loose in the top paddock." that means he’s mad. Mr Wickham is Uncles friend and they always say things like that about each other. Uncle loves to play the piano but he won’t play if there are people around. Sometimes he plays for hours and hours. We love to listen to him because he knows the best music. Our music teacher lives across the road from us his name is Ross. Ross told us that Uncle is the best pianist he has ever heard Ross is like most of our neighbours he listens to uncle’s music and uncle knows that they do. If there is anyone but our family in our house uncle wont play his piano, that’s because he plays for the ghost and not real people. When we first went to live with Uncle we were only little kids and it was really boring. Uncle didn’t have a TV or a computer. He had stereos in every room and more books than we had ever seen before. Uncle sits and reads all the time and we used to get really bored. If we told him we were bored he used to say listen to some music or read a book or have a swim. When we asked if we could have a TV he said it would rot our brains. We tried to read some of uncle’s books but they are all strange. They are written in other languages we can’t read. The pictures in some of the books are really yucky. So we told Uncle we didn’t like his books. So he took us to the library and got us a card so we can borrow books, we borrow lots but still got bored. When our brother decided we needed a TV he told Uncle who just said OK, Tee gets everything he wants even if it’s for someone else. Uncle is silly sometimes; he was very silly about the TV. We all went to the shop and uncle looked at all the TV’s, when he was looking the sad ghost was with him. We think uncle was talking to the sad ghost but we don’t know what they said. Uncle got the biggest TV the shop had and told the man to bring it to our house, the man was very happy. When we told uncle that the TV was to big he was really mad. Sometimes it’s hard to tell when uncles mad, he never yells or hits he just looks at us. When he is really mad there are always lots of ghost around. Uncle asked us what sort of TV we wanted, we said one like mommy had at home so uncle took us back to mommy’s house. All our stuff was still there we felt like Mommy was still there but we couldn’t see her. Uncle took mommy’s TV and took it back to his place and put it in our room now we can watch anything we want. Sometimes when we were watching TV in our room we would see a ghost, we always tried to ignore them like our brother said but some are really scary like the lady who keeps looking at us. When a scary ghost came we would run to our brothers room which is really weird. Tee always came to our room with us and the ghosts always went away. When our brother wasn’t there we saw the old lady in Minh’s room; she is very scary that old lady and she always follows us around. When we told uncle Lance he was reading one of his stupid books and when he is doing serious reading he doesn’t take any notice of anything so we told him about the ghost again and he said "Give her a kiss and ask her for a dance." Uncle says really dumb things like that sometimes. That old lady followed us around all night and even sat in our chair when uncle told us a bedtime story. We got so scared of her that we went into uncle’s bedroom, we weren’t allowed in there. We got into uncles bed and he woke up we told him we were scared of the ghost and he laughed. "If you want to be scared of something then pick something worth being scared of." he told us. But he let us stay in his bed and whenever we are scared we sleep in uncle’s bed now even if he’s not there. But we still like to go to our brother’s room when we are scared. Tee’s room is very special it is like a big white cave full of neat things that Tee has collected like old paintings and photos and lots and lots of books and CD’s. When we want to get back at tee we take all his CD’s out of their covers and put them in the wrong covers, boy does he explode. Tee can be really strange sometimes. One day we went into his room and his friend Ashi didn’t have any clothes on and Tee was painting him all over. Later Tee took all his cloths off and Ashi painted him and then they took photos of each other. Tee put the photos on his bedroom wall. Tee can be really strange but he is the best big brother in the world. Our father came to visit sometimes but he never really talked to us much, we heard him tell uncle to sell our mommy’s house. We said we wanted it but Uncle said it had to be sold. Uncle took us all back to mommy’s house and told us to keep anything we wanted. When we were there some men put a sign up and mommy’s house was sold. After that we could feel mommy in uncles house sometimes we can smell the scent she always used to put on her neck. Sometimes she would put some on us and it was fun. Its nice that mommy is here sometimes but even when we can feel her we still can’t see her. Uncle took the big painting of mommy and put it in his lounge room. He has lots of paintings of people from our family. Our grandfather looks really nice just like uncle lance only their faces are different and grandfather has got lots of hair. Our grandmother looks like a witch and uncle says she was. After our dad died uncle was very sad he tried to pretend he wasn’t but we know he was. Daddy was uncles little brother, we think that they were friends just like Tee is our friend. We thought our dad would become a ghost and we were really scared he was a very scary man he would be an awful ghost but uncle just smiled and said he wouldn’t become a ghost. Our brother used to go to Japan a lot and we always missed him. His friend Ashi is from Tokyo and had to go home to go to university. Tee went back to Tokyo with him and goes to school there now. When Tee said he was going to Japan to live we were very angry and it caused a lot of trouble. Tee phones us all the time and uncle lets us phone him once a week on Sunday but we still miss him very much. Uncle got us e-mail so we could talk to Tee all the time but it’s not the same. The ghost is still here so we have to tell uncle about them instead of Tee. Uncle knows everything and he doesn’t laugh any more, he comes to our room just like Tee did and the ghosts go away. Uncle tells the best stories and tells us one almost every night. After Tee left we went into uncle’s office when he wasn’t home; it’s like a room in castle Dracula full of old books and maps. We aren’t suppose to go in there nobody is and it’s really scary. All the photos that use to be in uncles bedroom are there and there are photos of uncle when he looked real different with lots of the ghost we see only they weren’t ghost when the pictures were taken just young guys. We looked at the books but didn’t like them much then we saw uncle in a photo with the sad ghost. We think they were friends when they were young like Tee and Ashi. Uncle caught us in his office and asked us what we were looking for, he showed us lots of books about Rome and Egypt and explained how to read the maps. He wasn’t angry with us at all. We asked him who the sad guy in the photo was and he said the guy’s name was Chris and Chris was his friend. We talked to uncle a lot about the ghost and we think they are his ghosts we still get scared of them but we can always go to uncle when we are scared. We told our brother about this and he said if we used his name we would die so we used one of his nicknames instead he also told us not to use uncles name or we would die very slowly. SEEYA D+D