This poem was written about a year ago when I was a junior in high school. It was just a time when there were just too much tedious things to do so I got tired of school, so the best way was to express it on paper. "Educational Nuisance" Oh, how I long for the days when we will be free, From the prolonged torture of what is said needed to be, Needing to learn of what causes are for, So that we are promised a position known to us all, If education proves to be true, That it holds such costful values, I hereby assert that it is nettlesome years, To endure the times of having such fears, To proclaim that I will have my right, To find some kind of stable ground to guide me light, I vision academic education only as a bore, For I hate to know anything more, To some, it may prove as so unique, But to me, it is something so weak, How can I utter of such things? But allow me to propose my feelings, Years that I have wasted now, When I could have spent it right somehow, Where I could have just looked upon what's in me, So I could just articulate on that you see? I hate school, and I hate life, I hate learning to know what is right, I hate to know the causes of some occurances, For I rather act upon no assurances, Just a student in remorse, For only longing to know nothing more, As I speak no one will hear, For it is foolish talk from my mind in gear, Nothing more then foolish thinking, And the reasons will only be winking, Challenge me they will say, Prove me wrong, that challenge I shall lay, Foolish me and a student of mere weakness, Just upset for I can't reach intended goals with completeness. Thanks for reading, Saymay Phaxaychareun